Spring 2020 Project 5: Marketsim

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Due Date

03/08/2020 11:59PM Anywhere on Earth time


This assignment is subject to change up until 3 weeks prior to the due date. We do not anticipate changes; any changes will be logged in this section.


In this project you will create a market simulator that accepts trading orders and keeps track of a portfolio's value over time and then assesses the performance of that portfolio.




Part 1: Basic simulator (90 points)

How It Should Work


Part 2: Transaction Costs (10 points)

Part 3: Implement author() function (deduction if not implemented)

Short Code Check Example

More Comprehensive Examples


What to turn in

Be sure to follow these instructions diligently!

Via Canvas, submit as attachment (no zip files; refer to schedule for deadline):

  • Project 5: Marketsim
    • Your code as marketsim.py (only the function compute_portvals() will be tested)

Unlimited resubmissions are allowed up to the deadline for the project.



No report


Out of a total of 100 points:

  • Basic simulator: 90 points: 10 test cases: We will test your code against 10 cases (9 points per case) without transaction costs. Points per case are allocated as follows:
    • 2.0: Correct number of days reported in the dataframe (should be the number of trading days between the start date and end date, inclusive).
    • 5.0: Correct portfolio value on the last day +-0.1%
    • 1.0: Correct Sharpe Ratio +-0.1%
    • 1.0: Correct average daily return +-0.1%
  • Transaction costs: 10 points: 5 test cases: We will test your code against 5 cases as follows:
    • 2.0: Two test cases that evaluate commissions only (impact = 0)
    • 2.0: Two test cases that evaluate impact only (commission = 0)
    • 1.0: One test case with non-zero commission and impact.

Required, Allowed & Prohibited